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Call for Tutorials

The WAIE Organizing Committee invites proposals for Tutorials of WAIE 2023. Tutorials will offer participants from different technical backgrounds the chance to explore innovative trends and learn new techniques from experts in the field. There will be two forms of tutorials at WAIE 2023: half-day tutorials (morning or afternoon), and mini tutorials. The half-day tutorials will be held on September 28, 2023, and the mini-tutorials (~1.5 hours) will be integrated into the main technical program on September 28, 29, 2023, in coordination with an integrated program of activities associated with the WAIE 2023 innovation themes.

Tutorial: Applications of Generative AI tools in Higher Education

The name and email address of the presenter(s):
Professor Eric Tsui
Email: eric.tsui@polyu.edu.hk

A brief description of the tutorial, suitable for inclusion in the conference registration brochure:
This tutorial comprehensively explores the application and impact of generative AI tools on tertiary education covering learning, teaching, assessments and research By knowing more about the generic characteristics of generative software, the process and cost in development them, and the role of the training data, attendees, irrespective of your background and experience, can apply higher order critical thinking to assess the appropriateness, relevancy, implications and qualifications in designing applications that involve the use of such tools. This is not a technical session; rather all explanations are in layman terms.

Detailed outline of the tutorial:
Although generative AI is taking the world by storm and the speed of adoption is unprecedented, OpenAI, its founder, has released very little information about the design and functional power of ChatGPT (one of the most common “shells” of generative AI software). As such, nearly everyone including computer scientists are treating such software as a blackbox and learn about its functional capabilities only via trial and error. This is surely not good enough as our own wishful critical thinking has somewhat been compromised. Redressing this shortfall, this tutorial will, via gathering valuable information from multiple authoritative sources, further discuss the inherent characteristics of generative software and project their implications on core operations in higher education including learning, teaching, assessments, and research. Split in 2 half sessions over a total of 3 hours, this tutorial will cover mini-lectures, recorded interviews, software demonstrations, case studies, and hands on experiments by the attendees followed by experience sharing and reflections.

What will the audience walk away with?
More knowledge about the inherent characteristics of generative AI software. Ability to make their own judgement on when and how such tools can be applied and if so, how to qualify the response/output from these software. Enhanced confidence in decision making.